Sales Leadership Index

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    Welcome to the Beyond Insurance Sales Leadership Index!

    The Sales Leadership Index is a 20 question assessment designed to help you understand your strengths and opportunities to grow as a sales leader. Along with the Index, Beyond Insurance is pleased to support you with a sales playbook that is organized in eight disciplines to help you set vision and direction that define your sales culture.

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    Question 1

    In my agency we confirm that the behaviors of our sales team reflect our corporate culture.

    Question 2

    In my agency we abide by a set of core values that shapes, guides and molds the customer experience.

    Question 3

    In my agency we attract and develop high quality sales talent to drive business development success.

    Question 4

    In my agency we possess confidence in our ability to assess the degree to which sales professionals will become rainmakers.

    Question 5

    In my agency we embed a cause, purpose or belief in our sales team that goes far beyond the insurance transaction.

    Question 6

    In my agency we inspire the consumer to act by clearly communicating our cause, purpose or belief. 

    Question 7

    In my agency we perform a unique abilities assessment of our sales professionals to understand how to best guide and motivate.

    Question 8

    In my agency we confirm that our sales team is using their natural talents to the fullest and pursuing their passions wholeheartedly.

    Question 9

    In my agency we customize skill development plans for all members of the sales team.

    Question 10

    In my agency we consistently reinforce the importance of “growth mindsets” so our sales professionals maximize their potential. 

    Question 11

    In my agency we oversee each sales professional’s goal setting process.

    Question 12

    In my agency we empower our sales professionals to establish visions for future success.

    Question 13

    In my agency we confirm that each sales professional has a prospecting strategy map that includes an ideal client profiles and pipeline management plan.

    Question 14

    In my agency we support the development of value propositions, phone and first interview scripts through role-playing and videotaping.

    Question 15

    In my agency we provide tools and tactics that differentiate our sales professionals from all others in the marketplace.

    Question 16

    In my agency we create defined sales processes to stimulate customer engagement, acquisition and cross sell success.

    Question 17

    In my agency we arm our sales team with a prospect qualification filter to screen out commodity shoppers. 

    Question 18

    In my agency we customize support strategies when a sales professional is not meeting expectations, including active mentoring. 

    Question 19

    In my agency we set sales performance expectations, accountability standards, and closely monitor activities and results.

    Question 20

    In my agency we oversee compensation and incentive programs that reward and motivate performance.