Measuring Employee Satisfaction and Engagement

As a manager, you possess the ability to influence and guide others. Exceptional managers motivate their teams to achieve greatness and serve as role models. Conversely, poor managers cause frustration among their employees, leading to a lack of long-term commitment. In fact, last year, 47% of highly skilled employees left their organizations.

To reduce the potential for turnover, it’s important to measure employee satisfaction, engagement, and overall attitudes toward your organization on a regular basis.  Melcrum, a communication research firm, suggests surveying employees confidentially (anonymously) every quarter using a combination of the following short questions:

  1. How do you feel about coming to work every morning?
  2. Does your manager inspire you?
  3. Do the days you DO want to come into work outnumber the days you DON’T want to come into work?
  4. What five words best describe how you feel about coming to work?
  5. Do you feel proud to tell people where you work?
  6. Do you have the tools to do your job effectively?
  7. Do you have the right amount of input on decisions that affect you and your work?
  8. Do you understand how your role contributes to achieving business outcomes?
  9. Do you trust the information you receive?
  10. Do you feel valued for the work you do?

By asking your team how they currently feel about their job and the organization, you can determine overall engagement levels—and take steps to improve.